Leading tips and ideas
for becoming a high performance entrepreneur
The Only Mental Wellness App That Tracks Your Progress Over Time
In a recent blog post, we explained how Founders First allows you to make journal entries to better understand your current mindstate. Every few weeks, you fill out a mental wellness questionnaire that determines the areas in which you should focus your wellness routine based on what your mind needs the most right now.
The Only Mental Wellness App That Offers Coaching
Most mental wellness apps offer users the freedom of following their own wellness routine, like being able to choose tools and exercises to use and when to use them. This approach offers a lot of flexibility, but also requires self-management, accountability and knowledge of which types of psychological interventions work in every possible situation. Founders First offers both flexibility and personalized guidance based on each individual’s needs.
The Only Mental Wellness App That Offers A Variety of Mindfulness Tools
There are many mental wellness apps out there that provide guided tools for mindfulness, but most of them are narrowed down to breathing and meditation exercises. Some fitness apps may offer yoga and meditation, but there’s only one mental wellness app that offers breathwork, yoga, and meditation exercises plus gratitude journaling prompts, mantra practices, visualization exercises, and an assortment of other movement practices beyond yoga.
The Only Mental Wellness App That Keeps You Accountable To Yourself
Founders First recently introduced a commitments feature that aims to make you more accountable to improving your mindstate and performance as an entrepreneur. While the app does offer a selection of mindfulness tools in conjunction with a daily journal process, Founders First believes that true progress and improvement is made through making commitments - big or small - to yourself and following through.
The Only Mental Wellness App That Considers Your Current Mindstate
Most mental wellness apps act as a digital catalog of general mindfulness tools like meditation. They offer these tools as recorded videos that you can access at any time. The idea is that you open the wellness app and choose a tool that you think you most need. So you’re entirely left to choose your own path without any guidance or support in that decision. And that’s what makes Founders First so different.
The Only Mental Wellness App That Allows You To Work With Others
Most mental wellness apps focus on your personal health and performance journey. They don’t offer you ways to work with others, nor do they allow you to interact with others on similar journeys in any way. But Founders First makes it easy to benefit from the connection, inspiration and motivation of other entrepreneurs just like you.
The Only Mental Wellness App Focused on FOUNDER Wellness
There are a lot of mental wellness apps out there that offer a lot of the same thing - recorded content and mindfulness tools like meditation that target problems anyone might have like sleep and anxiety. The Founders First app is specifically for entrepreneurs.
Improve Mental Focus to Help Solve Your Business’s Biggest Problems
I caught myself in an old pattern last week that really makes me frustrated when I see it pop up from time to time. It’s a pattern where I’m struggling to remain focused on the thing that’s most important in my life and in my business in that moment.
How Entrepreneurs Can Find Calm with an Evening Routine
As entrepreneurs, as we go through the stress of challenges and worry and anxiety. But we also experience the excitement of having incredible things that we’re building and we’re dreaming about. Both of those sides of the equation can actually become challenges for us.
Reclaim Your Energy with This Breathing Exercise for Founders
This week’s challenge is all about reclaiming our energy - our actual energy in our mind and in our body so we can have more energy to pour it into the things that we’re passionate about and get through the day. Who of us doesn’t want more energy in our lives right now?
Use Gratitude Journaling to Practice Self-Compassion as Entrepreneurs
We’re here at the very beginning of a new year where we need to start working towards new goals and find the energy to work towards the future. This week, we’d like to challenge you to find an opportunity for some self-compassion.
Use This Entrepreneurial Tool to Start the New Year Positively
Happy New Year, everyone! What a fun time of year. Here we are all together as entrepreneurs on this journey, finishing out quite the year and beginning a New Year. What an amazing time to turn over a new leaf and maybe do things different next year. Maybe the context around us will also be different in the year ahead.
Entrepreneurs, Find Calm and Win $751 in Free Gifts this Founder Wellness Friday, 12/17
Over the last several weeks, we’ve been giving away mental wellness packages to entrepreneurs on Twitter. Each giveaway is themed around one component of founder mental wellness. This is our final giveaway, and it may be the best we’ve ever assembled too.
Entrepreneurs, Get Motivated and Win $500 in Free Gifts this Founder Wellness Friday, 12/10
This is the third week in a row Founders First is hosting a giveaway that supports founder mental wellness. Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve given away over $1,000 worth of wellness subscriptions and tools to benefit founder productivity and creativity. This week, we’ll be focusing on motivation.
Entrepreneurs, Improve Creativity and Win $680 in Free Gifts this Founder Wellness Friday, 12/3
In case you missed it, Founders First is giving entrepreneurs free products, free subscriptions and gift cards over the next three weeks. Each giveaway is posted on Twitter every Friday in celebration of the giving season and supporting the mental wellness of entrepreneurs everywhere. Last week’s giveaway was all about personal productivity as an entrepreneur. This week, we’re focusing on creativity.
Entrepreneurs, Boost Your Productivity & Win $839 in Free Gifts this Founder Wellness Friday, 11/26
In the spirit of the holidays, at Founders First we’re giving entrepreneurs free products and free subscriptions and gift cards to all the places that support their mental wellness. To win one of the packages, follow us on Twitter over the next 4 weeks, and leave a comment on each giveaway tweet to enter to win.
How Visualization Can Prepare Founders for Future Challenges
This week, we challenge you to look into the future. Thinking about the challenges that we have coming up on the horizon, our challenge has a few parts to it.
Try This Tool to Boost Creative Problem Solving as an Entrepreneur
You’re about to have a huge breakthrough in your business or in your life, and as entrepreneurs, we know how this goes, these moments of inspiration sort of come to us from time to time and they’re really hard to predict and they’re really hard to create. We just hope that they come along from time to time.
How Entrepreneurs Use Mantra to Overcome Negative Self-Talk
It’s story time, and time to think about stories. Now, not the type of stories that we read, but instead the type of stories that we’re telling ourselves inside of our minds already.
Use This Entrepreneurial Tool to Get Into an Opportunity-Optimized Mind
Let’s talk about gratitude, and getting our minds into a positive place as we start our day or as we end our day.