The Only Mental Wellness App That Offers A Variety of Mindfulness Tools

There are many mental wellness apps out there that provide guided tools for mindfulness, but most of them are narrowed down to breathing and meditation exercises. Some fitness apps may offer yoga and meditation, but there’s only one mental wellness app that offers breathwork, yoga, and meditation exercises plus gratitude journaling prompts, mantra practices, visualization exercises, and an assortment of other movement practices beyond yoga. 

The Founders First app recommends the best tool based on your current mindstate, so you always know you’re using your precious time to best support your mind.

We believe that establishing a mindfulness routine is not a one-size-fits-all approach. We understand that different practices work for different people. We also understand the highly flexible nature of an entrepreneur’s daily schedule, and we aim to offer tools that can work with that ever-changing environment. Each day’s entrepreneurial challenges vary, which calls for a comprehensive solution that helps you work through a variety of challenges.

Not only that, but Founders First is introducing a series of audio-only tools that can be utilized without having to look at your screen. The reality of being a founder is that multi-tasking is often the way we do things. Audio only tools allow you to practice mindfulness exercises on the go, or when your schedule most suits it. No longer do you need to pause your day to “watch” a meditation or breathing exercise. Now you can rely on simple verbal guidance as you walk between meetings or while eating a meal.

Some of the other movement practices that we offer combine very light physical activity with breathwork. For instance, we offer an exercise called Squat Breaths for improving energy and simultaneously balancing nervous jitters with increased relaxation. The practice is exactly as it sounds - purposeful breathing while using your leg muscles. Moving through an entire range of motion encourages a lot of blood flow and energy, while rapid breathing reduces carbon dioxide levels in the blood, therefore delivering a sense of calm.

Another movement-based tool that we offer is called Pumping. This is another exercise that promotes both calm and energy. This exercise primarily requires movement of the arms. You simply pump your arms up and down in time with your breathing to overcome moments of high anxiety and refocus that nervous energy more productively. This is a rapid arm and breath exercise that may feel (or look) funny at the time, but offers a quick burst of calming energy that’s better than a cup of coffee.

It’s important to note that all of these movement-based tools are easy for all fitness levels. While physical movement is involved, actual physical exercise is not the intent here. The idea is merely to give the body some light movement, especially when you are often stuck at your desk for hours at a time. Which in turn, delivers various benefits needed by the mind.

Many of the mindfulness tools offered by other wellness apps can start to run together in their similarity. They might change a meditation theme or a yoga practice intention, but many of these apps offer much of the same over and over again, every day. Founders First aims to offer its users a much more varied and customized experience. 

Join over 3,000 entrepreneurs prioritizing their mindfulness practices. Try the Founders First mental wellness app FREE for seven days.

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