Five Tactics to Calm Your Anxiety

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1. Accept Your Anxiety

Everyone is bound to run into stress and anxiety in life, but it’s how you react to it that will set you apart. Accepting anxiety as something you will inevitably face is the first step to conquering it. Ease into the circumstances of your stress. That doesn't mean resigning yourself to worry or not working hard, but it means recognizing that our circumstances are constantly changing. Don't get tricked into thinking that eliminating all your stress points is the secret to success—navigating stress and anxiety is how you get ahead.

2. Embrace the Process

Once you’ve accepted your anxiety you have a few options on how to proceed. You can give into your stress and decide to never do anything that causes you anxiety again. This isn’t going to get you very far. Embracing that anxiety is a natural part of the human experience will help you to tackle your issue head-on. There is always going to be another hill to climb, but this is the one you are climbing now. Embracing all aspects of solving a problem can take some work. Celebrate smaller goals along the way. Infuse your life with various sources of fulfillment that you can turn to when you find your focus has become too goal oriented.

3. Embrace Uncertainty

When we're waiting for something to happen, our minds are very good at giving us doubt about whether that thing will really happen or suggesting all kinds of ways things could go wrong. Again, nothing wrong with that, just our anxious brains at work. Your brain is trying to help you! Lean into that uncertainty to fortify yourself against the doubt.

4. Enjoy Your Success

Enjoying even small accomplishments can help to quell anxiety while working on a large project. Take the time to acknowledge that you worked really hard and made a plan. Mark your achievement in some meaningful way. Even taking some time to step away from your work and recharging can help to split up a task and make it easier to return to.

5. Practice Gratitude

Remembering how far you’ve come and all you have to be grateful for can go a long way with easing and harnessing your anxiety. Checking in with yourself and taking stock of what you have right now and are thankful for can help redirect your attention from uncertainty to present contentment. Nothing will make anxiety magically vanish but practicing gratitude and remembering how lucky you are to be able to take charge of your mental health can go a long way. Practicing these simple tips can help quell your anxiety and redirect it into a valuable tool for success. Visit Founders First System to learn more strategies to success.

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