Recognizing Thinking Errors Can Lead to Positive Mental Growth

Habit is the foundation of most of our days. That’s no surprise. We get up at the same time, take the same commute, get the same coffee order. But some thinking habits can be detrimental to our success. These are often called thinking errors. Recognizing and interpreting these common thinking errors can result in a calmer and more productive mind.

Also referred to as cognitive distortions, thinking errors are faulty patterns of thinking that are self-defeating. They occur when the things you are thinking do not match up with reality. Those who commit thinking errors often don't realize they are doing so. Read on to learn how to recognize and overcome some common thinking errors for positive mental growth.

All-or-Nothing Thinking

Black and white thinking is one of the most common thinking errors and it is also one of the most self-defeating. In this distortion, things are seen as either all good or all bad. You are either a success or a failure with little or nothing in-between. It’s important to remember that life occurs in the shades of gray—there is almost nothing and no one that has only good or bad qualities. Learning to see the gray in events and people can keep you from making rash decisions.


It's easy to take one particular event, generalize it, and apply it to the rest of our life. If you dropped the ball on a presentation, you may decide, "I'm just bad at presentations." Take notice of times when an incident may apply to only one specific situation, instead of all the other areas of life.

Emotional Reasoning

Feelings and instincts have a big impact on how we conduct our lives. But emotions aren't always based on reality. It's important to recognize that emotions, just like our thoughts, aren't always based on the facts. Are you having a visceral, emotional reaction to something that maybe doesn’t warrant it? Take some time to sort through those feelings before you make any decisions based solely on emotion.


No one can tell the future (at least as far as we know) but that doesn’t stop us from making wild predictions about ourselves. We think things like, "I'm going to mess up the presentation tomorrow," or "If I go for that raise, they will laugh me out of the room." These types of thoughts can keep us from making an effort in the first place. If you find yourself predicting failure, remind yourself of all the other possible outcomes.


We all know the world revolves around us, but that doesn’t mean it's not easy to personalize our own experiences. If a co-worker doesn’t email back right away, you may assume, "She must be mad at me." If you find yourself personalizing situations, take some time to point out other possible factors that may be influencing the situation.

Unreal Ideal

Making unfair comparisons can ruin our motivation. Seeing someone who has achieved seemingly more success and thinking, "I should have been able to do that," isn't helpful. That person may have had some lucky breaks or competitive advantages along the way. Rather than measuring your life against someone else's, commit to focusing on your own path to success.

Fixing thinking errors is a pretty monumental task. However, though changing the way you think takes a lot of effort initially, with practice, you'll notice big differences—not just in the way you think, but also in the way you feel and behave. You can make peace with the past, look at the present differently, and think about the future in a way that will support your chances of reaching your goals.

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