7 Tactics from Successful Entrepreneurs to Stay Calm


Many business leaders can feel like they are alone in the wilderness when they first start out. Developing a community of peers to learn from can be a major component of success for an entrepreneur. We’ve gathered seven easy tactics from fellow entrepreneurs on how to stay calm while chasing success. 

1.     Commit to Investing in Yourself

Taking time for yourself can be counterintuitive for founders and other entrepreneurs but checking in on your own wellbeing is imperative to success. If the caption isn’t happy, the ship isn’t happy.

“The best thing you can do for your business as an entrepreneur is to make your health a priority,” says Holly J Kile, president of HJK Global Solutions. “Schedule time for wellness. Make time in your calendar where taking care of you is your only commitment. Whether it’s making time in your calendar daily to work out or weekly to get a massage, self-care is one of the keys to survival.”

 2.     Meditate

Everyone from talk show phenomena Oprah to Jeff Weiner, former Yahoo executive-turned-Linkedin CEO seems to be meditating these days, and for good reason. Meditation improves cognition, a huge plus for founders who need to be able to think quickly and process multiple pieces of information at the same time. Mindfulness meditation can help you increase your focus and ability to think with a sense of clarity that leads to improved decision-making. 

3.     Stand Up!

It may seem simple, but just standing instead of sitting can have a huge impact on the productivity of the perpetually busy. 

“I’ll admit that I was a bit skeptical at first — I had many questions and concerns,” said Jonathan Long, standing desk convert and founder of Domination Media. “Would I be as productive standing as I worked? Could I comfortably do my daily tasks on my feet? But now, the results are in. And, in short, I’ll never go back to a regular desk.”

Jonathan found increased productivity, decreased back pain, and better sleep at night since making the switch to a standing desk.

4.     Make Sleep a Priority

“I used to subscribe to the idea that you can sleep when you die and every waking moment was made for getting work done,” Tremaine Wills, Investment Advisor, Mind Over Money, told Calvin Rossner.

“I would brag about only getting 4 hours of sleep because I was in “grind mode”. The days where I was running on just 4 hours of sleep were never my best. I would crash and need an afternoon nap by Wednesday or Thursday, losing the whole evening because the nap would turn into slumber.”

Sleep is often the first thing to go out the window when things get hectic. However, all the science points to sleep being one of the most important aspects of our physiology. 

“Finally, I made the decision that I had to leave #TeamNoSleep and be an adult. It was the best decision I’ve ever made,” said Tremaine. “I am in bed around 9:30PM and up by 4:30AM. I am well-rested and ready to give my best.”

 5.     Live Simply

Billionaire Facebook legend Mark Zuckerberg’s mentality is frugal to say the least. He famously hosted his wedding in the backyard, drives a sustainable Volkswagen, and habitually wears t-shirts and jeans to the office. His philosophy is to spend money where it matters and re-invest it into the right things as often as he can. Living simply can also clear up decision-making head space for more important things.

6.     Stay on Schedule

Barack Obama would eat breakfast with his family, reads the newspaper, and exercises before hitting the Oval Office around 9 AM. Oprah Winfrey meditates by sitting in stillness for 20 minutes, twice a day. Arianna Huffington practices yoga each morning. Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour starts each day at 5:45 a.m. with an hour-long tennis match. The common denominator for all those overachievers? They stick to a routine.

7.     Practice Daily Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is a simple way to add a little self-care to a busy daily routine. It can also help keep things in perspective.

“The one and only habit that I’ve always been able to stick to that can keep my mind and soul well no matter what is to practice gratitude every day,” said Nerissa Zhang, CEO, The Bright App.

“Especially when I’m frustrated, angry, or lonely I sit myself down and redirect my thoughts. Sometimes I practice gratitude solo in silent prayer, sometimes I write, and sometimes I talk about what I’m grateful for with my husband.”

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