Four Benefits to Achieving Stillness Daily

The topic of stillness often comes up in the Founder’s First Community. Plus, many entrepreneurs have spoken about achieving stillness during our Founders Forum events, specifically Erik Severinghaus and Dr. Michael Freeman. Given the popularity of the topic, we decided to make it the focus of our most recent Connections event.

Stillness is the state of being still, and it’s often synonymous with quietness, silence, calmness and inactivity. Many entrepreneurs speak of the benefits of achieving stillness as a balance to living a busy entrepreneurial life. Those benefits vary from founder to founder, but the ways in which we all achieve stillness are more or less the same.

Whether you find stillness through meditation, walks in nature, or listening to the sounds of running water, there’s no doubt that the practice should be a part of your daily routine, if it’s not already. Here are four benefits to achieving stillness.

1. Finding Focus

Quite a few entrepreneurs practice stillness in order to maintain focus throughout their work day. In this case, finding stillness allows members to come back to the task at hand with singular focus and diligence, rather than trying to tackle too many things at once.

2. Centering Yourself

The act of centering or re-centering oneself during a busy day was frequently mentioned. For many entrepreneurs, it seems that practicing stillness helps achieve balance when things feel out of sync. 

3. Improved Productivity

It wouldn’t be a discussion amongst entrepreneurs if the topic of productivity wasn’t mentioned. Members spoke about how the act of not achieving stillness at some point throughout the day can set you up for failure later on by increasing the likelihood of distraction, stress, and poor sleep.

4. Soothes Anxiety

Nearly all of the entrepreneurs described the calming effects of achieving stillness throughout the day. This was characterized by feelings of relief, motivation, renewal, and peace.

Our Connections events give entrepreneurs the opportunity to share lessons learned and truly connect with other Community members on a deeper level. Each event begins with the introduction of a topic of critical importance to entrepreneurs, which we then discuss informally as a group. Want to up-level your peer group with other entrepreneurs who are focused on improving their health and performance? The Connections events are where we gather and learn.

Don’t miss the next Connections event. Join our free Community to RSVP today.

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Founders First is a set of evaluation tools that will improve your business by strengthening its most critical asset: You.

Founders Forum is a live show where we talk about mental health in entrepreneurship and how to build resilience to stay stronger, happier, and be more successful.


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