4 Ways Entrepreneurs Improve Performance By Listening to Music

During one of our previous Connections events, the topic of music came up as a tool many people use to find calm. It got us thinking about what else we as entrepreneurs use music for, and whether it’s a part of our regular routine. So, in the spirit of holiday tunes and caroling, we held our most recent Connections event about music.

We asked attendees how they integrate music in their daily routine and what it achieves. Music means something different to all of us, and each of us uses it in a different way, but here are four ways entrepreneurs use music to improve their mental health.

Morning Pump-Up

A number of founders suggested they use a particular song or genre of music to start their day on an upbeat note. One founder uses punk music to get hyped, while others use pop or the golden oldies. Alternatively, some members prefer the soothing notes of classical to get their mind right and start their day

Midday Focus

A few members talked about using certain genres of music to drown out the noise and focus on the task at hand. Classical or meditation-like music was used most often to clear the mind and promote productivity. Others might rely on a midday pick-me-up and restart with another dose of upbeat music.

Afternoon Chill

A lot of entrepreneurs use music to find a sense of calm, especially after a long day. Again, classical and meditation music are used often in this case, but mellow singer/songwriter jams were also mentioned.

Into Your Feelings

One founder mentioned using music as a way to express what she’s feeling in the moment, almost as a form of validation. Plus, the creative nature of her job and hobbies make her rely on music to get her into a certain creative space or sense of emotion. In this case, music acts as a sort of soundtrack to one’s day, and is used as a tool to stimulate rather than soothe or focus.

No matter the purpose, it’s clear that music has a place in most entrepreneurs’ daily routines, and the common genres used are pop or rock to stimulate, and classical or meditation music to soothe.

Our Connections events give entrepreneurs the opportunity to share lessons learned and truly connect with other Community members on a deeper level. Each event begins with the introduction of a topic of critical importance to entrepreneurs, which we then discuss informally as a group. Want to up-level your peer group with other entrepreneurs who are focused on improving their health and performance? The Connections events are where we gather and learn.

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