The Five Benefits of Meditation in the Workplace


Meditating for a sound mind is nothing new, but did you know it can also improve your workplace productivity? Getting a peak performance out of your employees can be a challenge—they don’t have as much invested as you do. But mediation can help your team refocus valuable energy in a calm, healthy way.

 If you or your workforce deals with stress, emotional health issues, or low morale, you’ll likely benefit from implementing a simple meditation program. So how can implementing a workplace meditation program benefit you and your employees? Below, we share five benefits of meditation in the workplace that will keep you, and your staff, happy and working hard. 

Work Environment

A healthy working environment is one of the  most important aspects of employee health and wellness. Practicing meditation as a team is an easy way to promote social interaction and a sense of unity. Regularly enacting mindfulness can also help foster a more positive outlook and attitude, which leads to healthier relationships.


Tension and anxiety are the enemies of good decision making. Meditation can help relieve both these issues, boosting your team’s decision-making skills. Sitting in stillness teaches the brain to better focus and concentrate on the moment which can help alleviate anxieties and allow you to make more rational decisions.

Stress Relief

One of the most obvious benefits of meditating is stress relief. According to the American Institute of Stress, 80% of workers feel stress resulting from their work, and nearly half feel they need help in learning how to manage it. When stress is left to run wild it can lead to the more intense burnout, resulting in not only physical and mental health consequences, but lost productivity. Meditating is a simple way to quickly reduce stress and tension in the workplace— a regular 5-minute meditation practice can help employees return to their tasks with a clear and refreshed mind. 

Immune System

A happy staff means a healthy staff. Research has shown that meditation boosts antibodies and can actually help the immune system act more efficiently by increasing electrical activity in the left side of the brain. In the long-term that can mean a staff that takes fewer sick days and has more energy.


It’s not only employees that can benefit from a meditation practice. Business leaders can also find a clearer mind and better decision-making ability with a regular mindfulness routine. By increasing self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and positivity, meditation can have a huge impact on your ability to be a compassionate and effective leader.

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