7 Emergency Tools Entrepreneurs Use to Get Back to Calm and Happy


We have started hosting what we call “Connections” events in the Founders First Community, where members connect with like-minded entrepreneurs to talk about the personal health and performance topics that matter to them. This is an opportunity for founders to share knowledge and experience, and discover new ways to enhance their overall health and performance as an entrepreneurs. These events are typically held every other week, and center around various topics related to mental health, mindfulness, performance, etc.

On Friday (the 13th), we thought it fitting to discuss the concept of emergency tools during our Connections event. By emergency tools, we mean those tools that you turn to in moments of extreme anxiety, stress, or depression. These are the tools that help you right-size, recover your momentum, and get you back on track to your goals. 

Here are 7 tools that our participating entrepreneurs use to find calm and happiness in trying moments.

1. Reading

Quite a few members use some form of reading to pull themselves back to center. One entrepreneur re-reads some of his favorite quotes and thought pieces to remind himself of what’s important. Another member uses reading as more of a distraction, to get her mind off of the issue that is causing her anxiety.

2. Meditation

Nearly all of the entrepreneurs in attendance use meditation to find calm. Some members use meditation during the stressful episode itself. Others turn to night time meditations or morning meditations the next day to help them mentally digest the anxiety-inducing incident and sort through their feelings.

3. Breathwork

This was another popular tool amongst nearly all of the entrepreneurs. A number of them specifically use the 10 clearing breaths method to calm themselves in difficult moments. 

4. Visualization

 A couple of entrepreneurs use visualization to overcome their anxiety, but one in particular explained his use of what he calls “negative visualization,” where he imagines the worst case scenario to desensitize himself to the possible outcome of failure, therefore reminding himself that “even with the worst possible outcome, life will go on.”

5. Physical Activity

 Many forms of physical activity were discussed among the members, particularly more repetitive activities which don’t require as much consistent mental focus, like running, hiking, swimming, or biking (of the stationary variety). 

6. Singing or Dancing

 Perhaps most surprising was the common use of music expressed through singing or dancing to relieve stress. One entrepreneur works dance breaks into her schedule, going so far as to invite members of her family along (perks of working from home and distance learning, no doubt). Another shared how she often used to “scream sing” to Adele in her car on her way home after a work day left her feeling overly-anxious. 

7. Mantras

 We ended the discussion with mantras, where every member shared the mantra that they turn to in moments of extreme stress. We’ll leave you with one such mantra that one of our members uses to re-center herself to her own identity: “Seeking to serve in order to know.”

Our Connections events give entrepreneurs the opportunity to share lessons learned and truly connect with other Community members on a deeper level. Each event begins with the introduction of a topic of critical importance to entrepreneurs, which we then discuss informally as a group. Want to up-level your peer group with other entrepreneurs who are focused on improving their health and performance? The Connections events are where we gather and learn.

Don’t miss the next Connections event. Join our Community to RSVP today.

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Founders First is a set of evaluation tools that will improve your business by strengthening its most critical asset: You.

Founders Forum is a live show where we talk about mental health in entrepreneurship and how to build resilience to stay stronger, happier, and be more successful.


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