6 Ways to Make Gratitude Part of Your Routine


During our new Connections events, members have the opportunity to connect with other entrepreneurs and share their knowledge and experience. These events provide a time for members to talk about personal health and performance topics that relate to entrepreneurship. 

With the American Thanksgiving just behind us, our latest Connections event was all about the spirit of the season: Gratitude. 

We asked entrepreneurs whether gratitude and appreciation were part of their regular routine. We discussed the benefits of having a gratitude practice and we shared some of the things we’re most grateful for this year. 

Here are the top 6 ways entrepreneurs incorporate gratitude in their routine.

1. Meditation 

Entrepreneurs that meditate as part of their gratitude practice do so to recenter and remind themselves what motivates them to get out of bed every day. One entrepreneur described it as a moment to remind yourself of the life goals that are most important to you. 

2. Yoga 

Some of the members in attendance use yoga as part of their daily gratitude practice, explaining that it has a therapeutic and restorative quality that improves their mood and puts them in the right frame of mind to be more grateful.

3. Gratitude Journaling 

Other entrepreneurs make a habit of gratitude journaling; the act of recording and reflecting on the things you’re most grateful for each day. This can be a great daily reminder of the life goals that are most important to you.

4. Reflection in Nature
One entrepreneur explained his routine of finding quiet reflection in nature, where the gentle sound of a trickling creek and the feel of the breeze can bring him back to a place of open mindedness and positivity.

5. Notes Around the House 

Another member described his habit of leaving notes around the house to remind himself of what he’s most grateful for. He stumbles on them when he needs them most, and they also act as a daily reminder of what he’s thankful for. 

6. Teaching Gratitude

Lastly, one entrepreneur talked about how he feels a sense of gratitude most when he’s teaching it to his children. How teaching them to be thankful is a daily reminder of how we, as grownups, should live as well.

“Good Energy”

We’ll leave you with a final thought on creativity and innovation. After discussing the benefits of making gratitude and appreciation part of a routine, it became clear that for most, feeling a greater sense of gratitude can provide “good energy” and a level of openness that can make us more receptive to new ideas and opportunities, therefore improving creative thinking and opportunity recognition.

Connections Events

Our Connections events give entrepreneurs the opportunity to share lessons learned and truly connect with other Community members on a personal level. Each event begins with the introduction of a topic of critical importance to entrepreneurs, which we then discuss informally as a group. Want to up-level your peer group with other entrepreneurs who are focused on improving their health and performance? The Connections events are where we gather and learn.

Don’t miss the next Connections event on December 10, 2020: Women + Entrepreneurship: The Challenges We FaceJoin our Community to RSVP today.

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