3 Challenges Female Founders Face Today

We recently held our very first female-focused Connections event where we discussed some of the challenges women often face as entrepreneurs and how we’ve overcome those challenges - or how we continue to overcome them.

We asked the attending entrepreneurs to name one professional challenge they’ve recently faced as a direct result of being a female founder, how they responded to that challenge, and who helped in their response. There’s no doubt that female founders face many challenges, but the following three stood out as common themes during the discussion.

Imposter Syndrome

Though not exclusively experienced by female founders, the underlying reasons why women may experience imposter syndrome seem to differ from men. Age was mentioned as an additional challenge for women in relation to imposter syndrome: younger women feel like they’re perceived as less experienced and therefore less credible, and older women feel like they’re perceived as less innovative and therefore less credible. In response to this challenge, our female members mentioned confronting their negative self-talk, letting it pass, and modeling positive energy to overcome it.


Related to imposter syndrome is the issue of confidence. Most female entrepreneurs have found it difficult to have confidence when faced with situations that require them to step into the spotlight. Their greatest fear here is that they won’t be taken seriously in important meetings or other functions. In order to build confidence, our female members suggest that we remind ourselves what our strengths are, what we bring to the table, and why we belong in the room

Making Connections

Lastly, we discussed the idea of making connections, building a team, and finding people you can trust in your industry. At the beginning of the event, we discussed the fact that women tend to have smaller entrepreneur networks. This sentiment was echoed throughout the group as female founders of all ages mentioned the lack of female mentorship, peer groups, and industry connections

On that note, we’d like to say that this is exactly why we hold these Connections events - to meet fellow founders, find a mentor, and connect with a peer. Given the popularity of this female-focused Connections event, we will be introducing a women’s series on a quarterly basis, so stay tuned for the next opportunity to connect with more fellow lady entrepreneurs. Men are absolutely welcome to join

Our Connections events give entrepreneurs the opportunity to share lessons learned and truly connect with other Community members on a deeper level. Each event begins with the introduction of a topic of critical importance to entrepreneurs, which we then discuss informally as a group. Want to up-level your peer group with other entrepreneurs who are focused on improving their health and performance? The Connections events are where we gather and learn.

Don’t miss the next Connections event. Join our free Community to RSVP today.

By Shelby Bowers

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