Two Lists to Change Your Life


This article was originally posted by our friend, Keith Roberts. Click here to view the original post

What if I told you that two simple lists could change your life forever. These are not mere to-do lists or even a guided checklist to follow for self-improvement; they are more focused on you. Make a list of things that you need to stop doing and another list of things to start doing today. The stop/start exercise will shift your life trajectory if you are honest in examining the positive and negative patterns in your routine. 

Start Doing

What do you need to do to change your life? The beautiful thing about this process is the simplicity. Figure out what actions you need to take to be living to your full potential and writing them down. Be mindful of the language you use. For example, don't write, "I would like to start working out every morning." That language is passive, instead be intentional with your words, "I work out every morning." Take the time to think about what you can start doing today to impact your life in a positive way. Start habits today that your future self will thank you for. 

Stop Doing

The second list is a bit harder. It requires an in-depth, introspective look at our lives. Be honest with yourself in creating the 'Stop Doing' list. If you are afraid to put something on your list, that is an indication that it belongs. Do you drink too much, eat unhealthy food, or surround yourself with friends that are negative influences? Decide what shifts you need to make to reach your full potential. 

By writing down your goals, it doubles the probability of achieving them. That simple act of putting pen to paper does something magical. Imagine that your last day on earth, the person you become will meet the person you could have become. How would you live your life with that knowing that you would have your potential revealed at the end? My goal is to be looking at a mirror image by living my best life.

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