3 Signs That You May Be Heading for a Personal Crisis


We recently shared the findings from our “When to Help” campaign. The objective of the campaign was to collect and share stories from entrepreneurs about their experience as founders, particularly times during which they felt they were heading into a personal crisis, and when they wished they had gotten help along the way. In sharing these stories, we're hoping that others will have a deeper understanding of the challenges of the entrepreneurial journey, and as a result, better understand when they can help.

In the spirit of that objective, we decided to host a Connections event where entrepreneurs could share their own stories of personal crisis, and talk through their experiences together. What transpired was a deeply moving and personal discussion about a range of crisis experiences, from confronting failure to putting up a facade to losing your sense of self. 

The founders then shared what they felt, in hindsight, were the signs that suggested they were heading towards a personal crisis, and the point at which they now realize getting help was necessary.

Participants agreed that the following 3 signs may be an indication that you are heading for a personal crisis: 

1. Withdrawal

The entrepreneurs discussed a number of forms of withdrawal, including distancing yourself from personal relationships, disengaging from the things that bring you joy in life, and becoming passive in the way we take care of ourselves (i.e. not working out, not paying attention to what we eat, etc.). 

2. Volatility

Again, there were a number of ways volatility played out as the founders were heading toward a personal crisis. For some, the stress itself seemed volatile, oscillating between feeling manageable one moment to overwhelming the next. For others, it was their behavior that was volatile, with stress making them more irritable with peers and loved ones alike.

3. Loss of Identity 

Though somewhat similar to the act of withdrawal, a loss of identity more relates to losing sight of who you are, what motivates you, what your goals are, and why you do what you do. It’s a loss of your sense of self or purpose. Whatever the sign may be, the one commonality is that you’re often left feeling alienated and lost, which means you may be heading into a personal crisis if you don't have a support system to help and guide you.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, we encourage you to ask for help. Whether you seek help from a peer, a mentor, a family member, or a professional is up to you. But it’s important to remember that you are not alone, and there are many that have experienced the challenges of this journey that you are experiencing now. 

Our Connections events give entrepreneurs the opportunity to share lessons learned and truly connect with other Community members on a deeper level. Each event begins with the introduction of a topic of critical importance to entrepreneurs, which we then discuss informally as a group. Want to up-level your peer group with other entrepreneurs who are focused on improving their health and performance? The Connections events are where we gather and learn.

Don’t miss the next Connections event. Join our free Community to RSVP today.

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