Creating a meditation practice

“I don’t know how to meditate” isn’t an excuse to skip this step. The other unacceptable excuse is “I don’t have time to meditate.” With apps like Calm or Harmony, you can start meditating in minutes. Transcendental Meditation ( has the most scientific studies documenting the benefits, but just by quieting your mind daily it begins to unwind the stress we carry in our bodies.

Meditation reduces stress-related conditions such as tension and depression. When we meditate, the brain and nervous system undergo radical transformations that induce the reduction and prevention of these conditions. Meditation increases stress resilience.

Meditation develops your brain It increases your memory, concentration, self-awareness, and self-control and so much more.

Meditation increases blood flow to your brain Your brain can’t function without a strong, steady flow of blood to it — the stronger and more constant the flow, the better the brain functions.

Meditation reduces blood pressure and heart rate This benefit of meditation alleviates unnecessary strain on your heart and arteries.

Meditation heightens your immune system As we reduce our stress, the immune system is stimulated and so is our general wellbeing.

Meditation causes muscle relaxation Muscle tension is commonly created by stress and when left unmanaged can manifest all varieties of physical difficulties.

Meditation reduces stress-related conditions When we meditate, the brain and nervous system undergo radical changes that cause the reduction and prevention of these conditions.

Meditation increases positive emotions There are a few reasons why this happens. The most straightforward is the reduction of stress. When we reduce stress in our system, we return to our fundamental state of feeling relaxed, connected to ourselves and confident in meeting the challenges of life.

Meditation increases focus When we meditate, we stimulate the pre-frontal cortex (the front part of the brain that is responsible for concentration, focus, and problem-solving among many other essential functions).

Meditation increases emotional intelligence When we meditate consistently and lessen our stress levels, our hormones balance out, and we feel less reactive, less irritable and effortlessly poised.

Meditation increases your capacity to learn By stimulating the pre-frontal cortex, we are also awakening the brains learning center. More brain volume = more brain power.

Meditation increases empathy and compassion Routine meditation rewires the mind and strengthens our ability to be able to recognize the feelings and needs of others.

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Founders Forum is a live show where we talk about mental health in entrepreneurship and how to build resilience to stay stronger, happier, and be more successful.


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