How To Become an Entrepreneur & Stay in the Game Long Enough to Succeed


Building a business is exciting. At Founders First, we work with thousands of entrepreneurs and have found that starting a business pretty much always includes the same steps, but there’s one thing we’ve discovered that most new entrepreneurs overlook that can set them up for failure, and it just might be the reason why 80% of all new businesses fail in the first five years.

Data shows that the most successful entrepreneurs are serial entrepreneurs. These are founders who have started multiple companies over many years. FastCompany reported on a study that found “Serial entrepreneurs were far more effective than novices, with 98% higher sales, on average ($54,800 per month versus $24,600 per month).”

This suggests that the odds are stacked against first time founders and they have to use everything in their power to break through by making sure they can survive their first company in order to move on to their next incredible idea. But pushing yourself too hard and burning out six months into building your first company is often the cause of someone becoming a failed one-time founder, not a successful serial entrepreneur.

Pacing yourself is critical, yet most first time founders don’t know how to do it. Plus, first time founders often fall prey to an overinflated ego that tricks us into thinking we’re invincible when we’re just starting out. That is, until the moment when we realize we’re not, and we see that our declining health and performance is now limiting our ability to be more successful.

Knowing that your health and performance have such a huge influence over the success of your business, we set out to create tools to help entrepreneurs easily track the performance of their minds throughout their startup journey so they can make sure they’re bringing the best version of themselves to work every day.

Take a look at our easy mental health and performance grader to learn exactly how you’re doing compared to other business founders right now.

And if your health and performance start to suffer we have the proven tools you need to get back on track again. For instance, our incredible belly breath super set practice is used by thousands of entrepreneurs to return their minds to calm when they need it most - when the stress of entrepreneurship becomes a little more than they bargained for when they first had the great idea to start their company.

When it’s all said and done, starting a business may be exciting, but it’s also one of the most difficult things you can do. The difference between founders who flame out and the ones who make it through comes down to persistence. And persistence is all about taking good enough care of your mind to stay in the game long enough to succeed.

Let’s face it. Some days you're brilliant. Other days you're on your way to burning out. The Founders First app learns your mind and tells you exactly what to work on today, protecting your health while optimizing your output. Entrepreneurs say it’s like having a therapist and a coach in their pockets.

We’re currently offering the app free for seven days so you can try it for yourself. Come join over 3,000 entrepreneurs who are building their personal health and performance together so they can be more successful with their businesses while living happier and healthier lives.

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Founders First is a set of evaluation tools that will improve your business by strengthening its most critical asset: You.

Are You An Entrepreneur Struggling with the Personal Impacts of Stress?

Let us show you a revolutionary program that’s transforming the lives of entrepreneurs just like you.

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Founders First is a set of evaluation tools that will improve your business by strengthening its most critical asset: You.

Founders Forum is a live show where we talk about mental health in entrepreneurship and how to build resilience to stay stronger, happier, and be more successful.


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